Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Daily Adventures!

It's so hard to believe that I have already been here for 1 1/2 months and that I only have about 3 1/2 months left. Time is definitely flying by! Recently, it seems like I've pretty much just been experiencing the life of a normal Argentinian teenager. A normal week day starts with waking up at about 11:45 unless I have gym class (9:30-10:30) or have to go to the center, eating breakfast, and getting ready for school. One of the most prominent differences that I have yet to adjust to is what breakfast consists of. Since you get up so late, their breakfast foods are pretty much what an American would eat for lunch or dinner. For example, this morning my host mom woke me up at 11:30 with a nice breakfast in bed that I thought would consist of bread, butter/dulce de leche, and a coffee (Mom, if you are reading this, know that I'll have some high expectations when I return home). Instead, she brought two trays for Mili and I both consisting of bread, juice, and a full plate of spaghetti, meatballs, and mashed potatoes...mmmm. After eating "breakfast", I shower, change into my uniform, etc. before my host cousin Rami comes at 1:15 to take us to school. As said in previous posts, the school hours depend on the day. After school, I walk home (about a 20 minute walk) unless it is Mon., Wed., or Fri. in which I go to the gym. No matter the time I arrive home, my host brother and I walk to the nearby bakery for "creollos" which are like biscuits for the merienda meal. Dulce de leche, various marmelades, butter, hot chocolate, hot milk, and coffee are all served to accompany the bread. It is not uncommon to eat this meal at 8 or so. After merienda, we either do homework, chat with friends, watch TV, or something like that. Then, at around 11 we all sit down together to have dinner. I really enjoy this time because it is a time to talk with my host family and grow closer to them while at the same time learning Spanish and enjoying a meal. After eating, everyone heads for bed to use the computer or watch some TV. Usually, Mili and I go to sleep at around 2 in the morning. Writing this post has kind of made me think about how weird this schedule sounds, but I guess it's just became normal sometime in the past six weeks. Let me just say that I'm going to be a little messed-up when I return to the States.
Not a lot of big events have occurred lately so it's been pretty calm. Last weekend was a really relaxing long weekend and we just hung out around the house and did some cooking and cleaning. Mili, one of the cousins, and I made alfajores (see food post) and a marmalade cake on Saturday night. Both turned out sooo tasty and were gone within hours! Sunday night, we got together with lots of the family to eat pizza and talk at one of the aunt's house that is a few blocks away. I was just advised that on Saturday, October 20th, I have a full day orientation with AFS and all the other students here in Cordoba from 9-6 so we'll see how that goes. Mili told me that in the beginning of November the family is taking a trip together. From what I understood, it sounded like we are renting a camp in the forest in the province of Los Gigantes to stay at for a couple of days so that should be very fun! Also, I am really looking forward to my trip to the north of Argentina which is later in November. Sounds like a great time coming up. Hope all is going well in Montana, Washington, Ohio, or wherever you may be reading this in! My love from Argentina, Kerri
 A typical class
 Some of my classmates
 Spring sunset
 Spring sunset
 Spring sunset
 My home for 6 months
 My home for 6 months
 Rolling out alfajor dough
 My crazy cousin and sister
 Very messy!
 Making a clean work surface
 Finished marmalade cake and alfajores
 Showing off our hard work!


  1. Yes, there won't be breakfast in bed at 11 am when you get home here chickadee!!!!!

  2. Hi Kerri! I'm Lauryn's teacher (and friend of Chris & Robbin) and she just shared your blog with me. Just finished reading all your posts. How interesting!! Hope you're having a great time and can't wait to read your next entry.
    -Erika Pitman
