Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Funny ARGENTINIAN facts...

Although I can't say that I was born and raised in Cordoba, I am finally adjusted to the lifestyle here! The things that seemed so different and shocking at the beginning are now becoming my normal...
1. You don't dare use a pencil in school, only pens and white out.
2. Kissing strangers and friends alike on the cheek is the only acceptable way to say hello and goodbye.
3. Facebook is only called "Face".
4. The social hangout for kids your age is McDonalds.
5. The ground is the new trash can.
6. It is 85 degrees outside and you leave with a pair of jeans and a jacket to fit in.
7. You are very unpunctual. "I'll be over at 7 o'clock" really means "I'll leave my house at 8 o'clock."
8. It is the most difficult task to explain the meaning of the term "o'clock" to your English class.
9. Calling friends, family members, and teachers "Fatty", "Ugly", "Fool", etc. are simply terms of endearment.
10. Your parents are perfectly content with waking up at 5 in the morning to pick you and your friends up from the disco.
11. Coca-Cola is simply called "Coca" and is the new juice.
12. Water comes out of the tap warm and has to be refrigerated before drinking.
13. Eating dinner at 1 in the morning just happens. For that matter, so is eating dinner at 5 in the morning.
14. Facebook is the only reliable communication.
15. Mornings and breakfast don't exist. You start your day at 11 and your first meal is lunch.
16. You drive on whatever side of the street is open. You park wherever you can find a space and  facing whichever direction. You pass on city streets on whatever side is open.
17. You honk your horn before open intersections to signal your presence but hardly slow down.
18. The smell of cigarette smoke hardly even makes you cough.
19. Cockroaches are just like ants, common bugs found outside.
20. Milk is drank hot with sugar...unless you're an American exchange student.
21. Bakini bottoms are Brazilian bottom cuts which pretty much look like thongs.
22. You arrive to a party 2 hours late and are still the first one there.
23. The worker fills up your car with gas (like Oregon).
24. You try to walk with your hands in your pockets for fear of the stray dogs (or maybe that's just me).
25. In public restrooms, you must pay the toilet paper lady when you enter for a wad of TP.

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